Taking Talent to the Top
If you aren’t training today, someone else will be…
England Athletics has informed affiliated organisations, including ACE – The Academy of Combined Events, that the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be applicable from 25 May 2018.
The following should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions:
GDPR is an important change in government legislation regarding data protection and stands for The General Data Protection Regulation. It effectively provides an update to the Data Protection Act, bringing in new requirements and increasing the penalties for breaches.
The GDPR applies to any “data controllers” or “data processors”. Those are technical
terms but in -
ACE must ensure that with regard to personal data:
• it is processed securely
• it is updated regularly and accurately
• it is limited to what the ACE needs
• it is used only for the purpose for which it is collected
• it is only used for internal marketing purposes and not shared with any 3rd parties without your permission.
ACE is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For any personal data you provide for the purposes of your training, ACE is the Data Controller and is responsible for storing and otherwise processing that data in a fair, lawful, secure and transparent way.
You may give us information about you and/or your athlete by filling in forms at
an event or online, or by corresponding with us by phone, e-
We are required to inform people about how and what we do with their data at the point we collect it.
1. In becoming a training member of ACE we ask you to complete a Consent Form in
which you confirm that your athlete is medically fit enough to undertake the athletics
training that we provide. You also consent to allow us to administer First Aid treatment
should the need arise and also to act in the best interests of your athlete in the
event of a medical emergency requiring intervention by the emergency services. You
also confirm pick arrangements at the end of a training session. ACE will also collect
certain information from you that will include, but is not limited to: the parent/carer
name, the athlete name, address, their date of birth and school year. The parent/carer
telephone numbers, medical information about your athlete including GP name and telephone
number. Any other relevant information in connection with athletics training that
we should consider in delivering our training to your athlete. We also ask for your
consent to contact you by email and your consent to take photographs or video for
training or for ACE’s promotional purposes. A copy of the current Training Consent
Form can be found here>> -
ACE only uses the information we collect on you and your athlete to contact you in
order to provide training information and details of competitions, or any other information
that we think may be of interest in connection with ACE’s activities as a multi-
We generally only have paper copies of the Consent Forms. We will take all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect this information. We have transferred any relevant medical information and emergency contact telephone numbers to a separate hard copy list that will accompany the coaches to the training venue. We will take all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect this information.
Consent Forms of athletes who have left ACE will be retained for a period of 2 years
and then destroyed.
The data ACE acquires from parents/carers is stored on personal
computers of ACE officers or in paper files at their premises. All reasonable steps
will be taken to safeguard and protect this information.
In addition the data we collect may be:
training fees.
2. Sportshall Athletics – as part of its activities, ACE is responsible for selecting
and training teams of athletes who represent Somerset at the Regional Sportshall
Athletics Championships. In order to do this we ask parents to complete an online
application form that is securely hosted by Google.
When you register your interest
in the Sportshall Athletics we collect the following information from you that will
include, but is not limited to: your email address and an alternative email address,
your athlete’s name, gender, date of birth, school year, school name, parent/carer/guardian's
name, contact phone numbers.
We also ask specific questions in relation to attendance
at selection, training and the Regional Championships.
We will ask you to choose
whether we retain your athlete’s details for one year in order that you may receive
information about the event in the following year (relevant to pupils in school years
4 & 5 at the time of registration). If your athlete is in year 6 or you opt out your
details will be deleted after the Regional Championships.
ACE only uses the information we collect on you and your athlete to provide suitable sportshall athletics training, to contact you in order to provide training information and competition information. We may contact you after the Regional Championships with details of other training providers in Somerset and other competition information. We will not share your information with any 3rd party without your permission. The only exception to this would be in the event of a medical emergency when we may need to provide relevant information to the emergency services.
We invite some athletes to attend training offered by Somerset Schools Athletic Association but will not share your details with them in the absence of your permission to do so.
The data collected may be downloaded and stored on personal computers of ACE officers or in paper files at their premises. All reasonable steps will be taken to safeguard and protect this information. Any such information will be subsequently deleted in accordance with paragraph above on retention of data.
If your athlete is selected to represent Somerset at the Regional Championships, we will provide the organisers with your athlete’s name and date of birth (the latter only if we receive a request to do so). They will publish the results with athlete names on their website.
We will write a report after the Regional Championships that may include your athlete’s name. This may be published on our website, associated websites and may appear in the local newspapers either electronically or in hard copy. We may also include a team photograph in our report but individual athletes will not be identified. You may of course request that we do not photograph your athlete or include their name in any report.
In addition the data we collect may be:
training and competition fees.
ACE does not request or take steps to collect any credit card or debit card details
or any bank account details.
Your rights regarding your personal data:
As a data subject you may have the right at any time to request access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data; to restrict or object to certain kinds of processing of your personal data, including direct marketing; to the portability of your personal data and to complain to the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office about the processing of your personal data.
As a data subject you are not obliged to share your personal data with ACE. If you choose not to share your/your athlete’s personal data with us we may not be able to register or administer your athlete’s training membership or provide training for your athlete.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us>>
Further information can be found on the England Athletics website:
The GDPR legislation can be viewed on the Information Commissioner's Office website:
Updated 21 April 2018